8 Ways You Can Impact Our Children

There are many ways you can help children in need.

At Children's Impact Network, we are constantly rescuing children. We raise and restore them at our Life Centers.

Everyone has limited time and resources, and the good news is that no matter your situation, you can change a child's life.

Who are We Impacting?

The children we rescue come from some of the worst situations in the world.

Many of them come from human trafficking. Others were left to fend for themselves with no food or shelter. They have been abandoned, abused, and neglected.

Together, we have made a difference and rescued hundreds of these children in Latin America. Today, many are graduating college and starting careers and families of their own.

Here are nine ways we can make a difference.

1. Spread the Word

The more people know about the need, the more help our children can receive. You have access to people and social circles that no one has.

When you share the mission of Children's Impact Network, you serve as an ambassador of the ministry.

As more people get involved, we can rescue more children from the streets and abusive environments.

2. Sponsor a Child

The most impactful way to support a child is through the sponsorship program.

Sponsors commit to financially supporting the children with their needs for $75 a month. In addition, they build a lifelong relationship through the letter program, encouraging and supporting their child.

Sponsors also pray for their children throughout their life.

3. Give to the Greatest Need

When we rescue a child, we start from the beginning. They need counseling, possible emergency health care, clothing, and more.

The Greatest Need Fund helps us rescue more children, meet emergency costs, and invest in ministry programs.

You can equip Children's Impact Network by providing the support necessary to rescue children and meet the ministry's needs.

4. Pray for Our Children

If God's not in it, then what we do pales compared to what He has planned.

Pray for our children. They are going through so much because of their past, and they need your support every step of the way.

God has big plans for them, and with prayer warriors lifting our children to Him, we know they'll succeed.

5. Rate us

When you rate us, you help us increase exposure online. More people can find us and learn about the children and their needs.

6. Tell Your Church

Churches are a big part of the children's support. If your church is not partnering with Children's Impact Network, reach out to your pastor or leadership.

Churches can partner with us through monthly giving, mission trips, or even sponsoring a child as a church.

7. Share Our Social Media

Share and engage with our social media posts to spread the word! We also encourage you to share our profiles with your friends and family.

8. Join Our Newsletter

Our newsletter offers the latest news, updates, and needs of the ministry. The more you are in the know, the more you can make a difference in the children's lives. Click here to sign up.

There are plenty of ways to help the children at CIN Life Centers. But you can start today and make a difference in their lives.