“CIN is engaged in reaching and teaching children who are the next generation of leaders and church members. They systematically work with and disciple the same group of children in a community setting. CIN, unlike other children’s ministries, does not come and go with an event – they provide a daily life building process. For me, it is always a thrill to witness John and Maritza interact with children. They connect with their hearts!”
“I have seen John and Maritza and their family sacrifice their lives for the work of the ministry in Bolivia. They are taking care of needy children when there is no one else to care; working with children who otherwise would have no hope for a future and teaching them to become the leaders of tomorrow.
John and Maritza’s dedication to see these children become part of one family, whole in body, soul and spirit, is what enables them to be more effective in their ministry. They truly live the Word that says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind….and love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37)”
“We have had the blessing to know John Hernandez as a former employee of Cardone Industries who left the secular business world for full-time ministry. CIN is doing a wonderful work reaching out to orphans and widows in their distress, just as the Bible commands us to do. The Bolivia Life Center has changed the lives of many orphans by providing a loving Christian place of refuge and a hope for a bright future when they didn’t have any. John and Maritza have made an investment in many widows whose husbands were murdered for their faith by opening a house of refuge. This home provides a place of shelter and a work shop to teach them a trade that will help them provide for their family. We are grateful to stand with an organization who is willing to go to difficult areas to do the work of the Lord.”
““CIN is helping to fulfill an important command from Jesus when he told us to “look after widows and orphans in their distress”. The Bolivia Life Center has transformed the lives of many boys for Christ by providing shelter, food, education and the love of Christ to children that would otherwise be on the streets. I have personally witnessed this transformation after each visit to the Life Center.
In Colombia, CIN is helping to rebuild the lives of women and children that lost their husbands through religious persecution. CIN has been offering missions trips to areas they minister in for many years. If anyone desires to experience a life-changing missions trip, I would highly recommend going with CIN.””
“In March of 2009 I had the opportunity to travel to Bolivia and see with my own eyes the impact CIN is having on the lives of dozens of Bolivian boys. I was able to see young men being taught in school, clothed, fed, and provided for in every way. It was evident the little ones were being cared for by people who sincerely loved them. Most important of all, the children were being taught about the love of God and how they could know Christ themselves. I left Bolivia thanking God for CIN and praying that they will be able to continue making an impact on little ones for many years to come!”