Children’s Impact Network (CIN) began its work in the inner city of Miami, FL in the 1990’s. Started by founders, John and Maritza Hernandez, the mission was to reach children in some of the most violent areas of the city and impact their lives through the love and message of Jesus Christ.
Our mission went international when the Bolivia Life Center was created in 2003. It started when a missionary asked John and Maritza to visit and see the need in Bolivia. Immediately after visiting, they knew something had to be done.
The Bolivia Life Center became a home for abused, neglected, and abandoned boys. It provides a safe home for these boys to feel a part of a family and feel unconditional love they had never received before coming to the BLC. We currently have over 40 boys at the BLC.
In 2012, we expanded the mission into Honduras. The Honduran Life Center became a home for abused, neglected, and abandoned children. These children now have a safe place to call home and to write a future of hope for themselves. We currently have about 25 children at the HLC.
In 2019, Children’s Impact Network started an orphanage in Chile with 27 kids. The Chile Life Center is also home to Casa Montaña, a campground used to develop and minister to youth groups and those in need. Not long after, in 2020, the ministry opened a second orphanage in the country.
We are committed to raising the children we care for. That’s why we support them through college or trade school. With Life Mentors, our program designed to support our children who graduate from a Life Center, we are able to make a difference in one of their most delicate seasons in life. As of now, we have 11 of our children in this program. Some study and train locally while others study abroad.
Through many mission projects, CIN impacts children and families around the world. We provide clean water to communities in need through our Water Impact project. CIN also adopts villages to impact and build their community through Village Impact. We evangelize to communities to spread the Good News and equip leaders and pastors to do the same.
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“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”