We imagined how the children would be as adults when we opened the Bolivia Life Center. Their past was horrific, and we believed God would rewrite their stories for eternity.
In the last several years, the first generation of children have become incredible young men. They have beautiful careers and families. These are lives that would have never been transformed without God's intervention.
One arrived at the orphanage 20 years ago. Nelson is a living example of the fruit of your prayer and support.
Nelson immediately became part of a family on his arrival. He had no one who cared for him before. But now he had loving arms that welcomed him to his new home.
For many years, Maritza and I have always said one day, one of these children will be a pastor or missionary. They would spread Christ's message throughout Bolivia. And Nelson, along with others, has answered the call.
Nelson meets someone special
After Nelson graduated from high school, he studied at the Bible College in Argentina. Our generous sponsors and Greatest Need fund supported him and others for this life-changing opportunity.
The students on campus immediately admired Nelson because of his uplifting, friendly personality. One day, he met a girl that would change his life.
As Nelson studied to be a Pastor, God developed a relationship between Nelson and Cesia. The Lord was preparing His plan for their lives.
After four years of schooling, Nelson graduated from Bible school, ready to serve.
Not long ago, Nelson and Cesia married. Maritza and I had the privilege of marrying them. We celebrated this special moment with Nelson's Bolivia Life Center family—witnesses to what the Lord can do.
John Hernandez, Founder/Director officiating the wedding.
We were honored to officiate the wedding and see God's hand in their lives and how he brought them together.
Nelson with Director/Founder Maritza Hernandez.
Nelson and Cesia’s calling
Today, Nelson and Cesia live in a town in Southern Bolivia. The newlyweds are serving in Cesia's parent’s church as associate Pastors. Their dream is to one day plant a new church.
God is preparing them for the future.
We can't wait to see what God does in Cesia and Nelson's work for the Kingdom. It's incredible to see how your impact continues to influence the future. It's across generations into eternity.
Building the Kingdom: Greatest needs
The story continues as we rescue and raise children every day.
Our greatest need gifts make stories like this possible by providing funds for urgent needs.
This quarter, we need $35,000 to continue to impact and support our greatest needs. Will you partner with us to continue this quarter by making a difference? Please consider making a gift today so we can see more Nelsons change the world.
James 1:27 says: Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
This Fund provides a way to meet their greatest need “in their distress”.
Thank you for making this possible!