I Get a Whole Family?

Children’s Impact Network’s Sponsorship program has been a life-changing experience. Our children have come from tragic places, where not one family member care for them. When a sponsor like you says “I chose you,” their life is renewed and filled with love.

CIN hosted teams all summer at the Bolivia Life Center this year. It’s a special time for team members because they get to know each child at the home. Many people sponsor a child after their visit. It’s one of the most beautiful things you will ever see—when a new sponsor gets to share the news with the child that they will sponsor him/her. 

This summer, we had a very special experience with one of our visiting families. One of our boys Angel connected with them. At the end of the trip, they told Angel that they wanted to sponsor him. He looked at all of them, seeing their hearts filled with the love they had for him. His first words were: “A whole family??” After the news, he ran to the other boys and introduced the family to them. He kept their picture and memorized their names every night. When new teams came, he would show the picture and recite each name and detail he knew about his new family.

Here are some words from the family:

"When we were in Bolivia, we fell in love with the landscape, the people, the BLC and its staff, and most importantly, our Angel.  We watched how well the boys of the BLC were cared for and loved and couldn't be more excited to help take care of a boy of our own.  We met Angel at the beginning of our trip and when we found out he needed a sponsor, we knew that was where God was calling us.  We are so thankful that we now get to be a permanent part of his life.  He is a part of our family now, as are all of the people of the BLC.  We just can't wait to go back and see our Angel!"

The impact that Child Sponsors make in the lives of our children is unmeasurable. From letters back in forth to visits throughout the year, our children love knowing that they have someone who thinks of them, loves them and encourage them in their daily lives.

We have children in both Bolivia and Honduras who are still in need of sponsors. By sponsoring a child, not only are you forever impacting and changing the lives of a child, but you help us continue to rescue more children from abuse, neglect, and abandonment.