Honduras Life Center


The Honduras Life Center (HLC) began in 2012 when Children’s Impact felt called to open an orphanage to serve youth in Honduras. 

The HLC was created to give abused, neglected, and abandoned children a safe place to call home. They become a part of a family with house parents and new brothers and sisters.

At the HLC, these children are provided housing, food, health care, mentoring, educational support, skills training, and therapy.

Most importantly, they are surrounded by people who show these children that they are worthy of love and God has a purpose for them on this earth.

We currently have 38 children split between two floors in our first Life House. Each floor has house parents who live at the HLC full-time and are the primary caregivers for the children on their floor.

Each floor has a loving family atmosphere which many of our children were deprived of before arriving at the HLC.

We recently finished a second building which consists of two new homes, increasing our capacity by up to 30 more children.

These children are constantly loved by our amazing house parents, volunteers, and staff members. 

We can send them to school and support them fully financially because of generous donations from sponsors, CIN partners, and sponsor families who also provide love to our children from across America and the world!